Locales: Updated German (thanks DlargeX). Locales: Updated Chinese (thanks to Loukky!). UnitFrames: Paladins can now always see magic dispells. UnitFrames: Fixed aura rows overlapping. Chat: Updated chat installer (Requires you to re-run the chat installer). Auras: Turned off ElvUI top auras until Blizzard fixes the bug (Untick "Disable Blizzard" if you want to see default auras). Auras: Re enabled top auras, blizzard pushed a hotfix. UnitFrames: Fix castbar custom backdrop when using reverse option. UnitFrames: Fix castbar custom backdrop color if set to a class color from not displaying other class colors properly if using the same profile that originally set the option. StyleFilter: Added several Unit Condition triggers: Another Players Pet, Guild, Trivial, Connected, Conscious, Possessed, Charmed states, Dead / Alive, and Being Resurrected. TBC ELVUI DOWNLOAD SKIN
Skins: Fix mailbox skin when attachments exceeded the first row.Tags: Added which displays current group number only while in a raid.Skins: Updated tradeskill searchbox skin.Skins: Fixed guild information skin border.
Chat: Repaired gold text will now match Vendored Grays gold format.NamePlates: Add Not Resting, No Target style filter condition.NamePlates: Add missing Style Filter defaults for party/raid.Tooltips: Fix tooltip count on Enchant crafting window when mousing over the reagents.Skins: Adjusted the 2 tabs on the Macro skin to accommodate larger toon names.UnitFrames: Readd missing option to Show/Hide Spec Icon on Arena frames.UnitFrames: Add ability to scale the Raid Role Icon.UnitFrames: Add ability to hide Rest Icon at max level.UnitFrames: Add ability to change pet happiness colors.